tall trees.. short hills

the clouds flying low

beautiful roads.. it's a joy to ride here


anantagiri waterfalls.. 2 mavericks somehow made it to the middle

a waterproof leaf

trying to keep the crows away :)

the six of us (the photographer was missing)

distant hills.. you should be able to see a few waterfalls

Location: The road between S.Kota & Araku, Visakhapatnam Dist, AP.
The best time to experience nature in its purest form is when the rain has stopped and the surroundings are still wet. Its when the pollution in the atmosphere has been washed down and the air is filled with the distinct smell of the wet earth.. its so rejuvenating.
its excellent and nice photography.
hats up 2 u
thanx for the comments johnie.
it's a little sad that i will no longer be able to photograph our beautiful vizag, because i have moved to another place.
sure hope to get some new pictures over here.
the fresh look of the roads is really splendid
even i feel these are one of my best ;-)
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